Welcome to Brew Union!
The site is currently under construction. Please excuse our mess as we get things nice and tidy and polished.
We will be adding things each day hopefully, but the finished product (well as close as you can get to “finished”) will be ready sometime…
So if you’re into judging and that kind of thing. Just beware that we have a lot of ins, lot of outs that we need to sure up. We are planning and getting ready to go on the second brew tour (middle of March), so after that we are hoping things will have settled down a bit and things can start shaping up like we want them to.
As we go through this process we’ve called BETA (it just sounds so offical) that doesn’t mean we are not here. We would love to hear from you if you have stumbled across this site from random Google searches, or through other various places we have started to frequent like Twitter, Facebook, etc. If you have ideas, comments, questions or what to know more about the Brew Union contact us via those social networking sites or email us at editor@brewunion.com.
The BETA version of Brew Union
Brew Union is officially in its BETA.
It has taken a year now to get to this point but we are here. And the view is great.
Beer Union has indeed come a long way from last year and the first beer tour. That first tour really opened our eyes to the culture of craft beer. The impact it had on those who went was immediate and powerful. It was not the fact that we had a lot of great craft beer, it was more about the people we met. Everyone who was involved in anyway with the beer were amazing. That’s not just hyperbole, that is the honest truth. From Augusta Brewing Company to Rahr & Sons Brewing Company to Odell Brewing Company, the people we met had passion and intensity about the beer. It was as refreshing as their beer.
So from here we will keep working. Check out the about page for more information about Brew Union. For now though, know that getting this where we want and have dreamed of is a process and that process takes time. So bear with us while we get kinks kinked out, the proper hands shook and the work flow flowing like it should.
Second test post for home brew
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Test Post for Beer Joints Category
January 20, 2009 by Dane
Filed under Beer Joints
This is a test post for the beer joints category.
latin latin latin latin latin latin.
TEST Home Brew
This is a test article in the beta stage of Brew Union for Home Brew.
Breweries TEST
Beta test article for the category Breweries
Brew Tour Beta Story!
Test brew tour!
Tours are fun!
Beer Beta Story
Beer Beta!

beta test